Release Stress 10X Faster Masterclass!

Release Stress 10X FASTER: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!

Watch this FREE training now!

In This Masterclass You Will Discover:

  • The #1 PROVEN FORMULA every Leader must-know in order to handle any situation with real confidence and ease, no matter how high the stakes are!
  • The SPECIFIC critical mistakes every Stressed Out Executive is making that is keeping them from accessing consistent Leadership presence and delivery.
  • The unexpected invisible pattern that is silently running the show and why working HARDER hasn't provided the solution (and why it's never the answer)!
  • "Why Self-Care" is the #1 Stress Myth. You've had enough massages and vacations to prove it. We'll create an actionable plan to become the Stressproof Executive!
You CAN learn how to finally get back to calm and confident, but first, we have to get you UNSTUCK!

Presented by Susan Choi

Susan Choi is the host of the Stressproof Podcast, a consistently ranked TOP 100 show on Apple Podcast, and the founder of the Stressproof Method™, a transformational process that has helped Executives, Leaders, and High Performers worldwide release stress and deeply feeling emotion 10X faster. 

What People Are Saying About Susan And The Stressproof Method

"Working with Susan is like having one big reality check every time. Who knew there was a systematic approach to building a high performance state."
-J.D., Sales Executive


"I now feel like I can stand up to the pressures of my career without wearing the guilt or anxiety that used to come with me trying to set boundaries. I come to work as completely different person - super magnetic and confident; and my colleagues respond to me in so much more of a positive light - they SEE a different person! For the first time in 12 years I feel at peace in my career. I never thought it could be possible to get out of this headspace. Susan is truly an expert when it comes to this and it was absolutely worth the investment as she has very much changed my life!"
-D.C., Associate Partner


"Although I know this is just the tip of the iceberg in regards to what I’m going to learn, I feel like I’ve just started to wake up from a 35 year sleepy fog. I’ve started to feel a lightness, joy and sense of presence  I haven’t felt...ever."      
-D.S. Director of Communications


"I used to see things so negatively, and now I'm actually relaxed and able to enjoy my day."
-N.R., Sales Executive


"The things that I would have let get underneath my skin I can now watch it, acknowledge it, and move past it. I'm so perplexed by the fact that I'm almost 50, like how did I not know this?

When I started with you I was upset, and I was so emotional and in my mind I felt so burdened by the stress! Now, I can never imagine going back to feeling that way knowing that I am the one that holds the keys to the castle."
-M.S., Senior Manager


"Usually I would be so tired, lethargic, unproductive, sleeping in, skipping the gym, emotional, etc. This last week has been amazing!!"
-J.J., Author and Success Coach


"I just had my second meeting with Susan and I will say... un freakin' believable. I don't know what happened, but wow. I feel like a brand new person."
-D.W., Sales Executive


"I have taken a lot of 'business' courses, but this course was of far more benefit to me personally as well as being a positive influence on my relationships, and work!"
-R.F., Managing Partner


Release Stress 10X Faster Without Working Harder (or compromising a hard earned career!) Masterclass

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