I have read and agree to the Coaching Agreement and am committed to myself and this process.
Payment Plan Policies
Payment Plan Policy: By selecting the payment plan you are agreeing to complete all of your payments, on time, and in full until you’ve fulfilled all of your monthly payments (3-month payment plan or custom payment plan). By selecting the payment plan you understand this is NOT a member subscription which you can cancel at any time. We fully reserve the right to require you to complete all of your payments, you receive the entire program and all of its resources upfront as an act in good faith from Susan.
Pay Off The Remainder Of Your Payment Plan Balance: You are welcome to pay off your payment plan entirely at any point in time! Simply email [email protected] and you will be taken care of. As you know there is a discount applied to those who paid in full. If you’d like to pay off your entire plan at the full rate you may do so within 60 days of purchase. If you want to pay off the balance of your payment plan after 60 days you will have to pay off your projected total amount.
Continued Failed Payments: If your payments continue to fail 2 months in a row we reserve the right to remove you from any or all program resources.
If we do not hear from you within 30 days of the initial failed payments we reserve the right to remove you (even if temporarily) from the Program and its resources.
Refund Policy
No refunds on coaching packages.
I agree to make payments on the specified dates and the agreed amounts state for the Stressproof Method Brand under the Susan Choi Wellness, LLC Program course fee. I understand the consequences that will be brought against me if this contract is violated. The penalties include removal from the course and revocation of all course materials and removal from email subscriptions. Upon default, I agree to pay any fees and costs that the Company may incur in collecting my balance owed as well as a competitive interest rate on the amount owed.