Episode 117: Too Much Fantasy (MINI)

podcast Jun 02, 2021

Most Stressed Out Successes fantasize TOO much about what could have been not realizing that this type of indulgence is blinding them to the opportunities that exist right now.

Instead of looking ahead and feeling good now, we spend our free moments throughout the day kicking ourselves for what could have been and fantasizing about how life could be right now if we had chosen differently.

The ironic twist to it all?

We have no idea if our fantasies would have come true but we consistently choose to BELIEVE that would have been the case which only makes us feel miserable NOW.

Listen to this mini episode and wake up from your past so that you can finally be here, right now.


Want to learn what it really takes to release stress 10X FASTER?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where I teach you:

  • The SPECIFIC critical mistakes every Stressed Out Success is making that is keeping them in an endless cycle of stress with nothing to show for.
  • The 3 powerful shifts needed in order to finally stop being a stressed out Leader.
  • An EASY formula you can use to break that negative thinking (that works like a charm)!

Plus, you’ll learn all about the Stressproof Method and how Executives and Leaders around the world are applying it to achieve massive results in their lives.

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