Episode 231: Finally Getting Unstuck

podcast Oct 16, 2024

Most Stressed Out Successes remain stuck in the problem, and more specifically the feeling of the problem, because they are continuing to behave as the old version of themselves that is thinking the same Personalization, thoughts, feelings, and therefore actions that keep them in this loop.

If you find yourself relating to this, then you must realize that practicing this way of being is only keeping the problem alive.

Listen to this episode as we talk about becoming the master inside of you.

A new version of you that is beyond the problem.



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or...

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Episode 230: Separating from Stress

podcast Oct 03, 2024

Just because you feel stress doesn’t mean you have to BE stressed, or even believe the problem must be solved in order for you to feel relief.

Using control to remove problems only leads to further exhaustion (as problems never end!).

Listen as we discuss how to separate from stress and what it takes to preserve your energy for greater good.



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

How to use an EASY formula to break that negative thought spiral (that works like a charm)!

Why “Self-Care” is the #1 Stress Myth. You’ve had enough massages +...

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Episode 229: Self Integrity

podcast Sep 18, 2024

Most people I have the great pleasure of working with have no problem with integrity.

They strive to be a virtuous leader, empathic, and respectful throughout the day. This part comes easy for them.

The type of integrity I want to discuss with you today is about Self Integrity.

Being virtuous to yourself.

Catching every thought and word you speak to yourself, knowing you’re the most important person in your own life.

We discuss this and more in today’s episode.

It’s so important and I’m excited to share it with you.

Listen now.



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it...

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Episode 228: The Fastest Way To Leadership Presence

podcast Sep 04, 2024

The biggest cause for the lack of Leadership Presence is because most Stressed Successes are focusing all of their attention and energy on the problem out there.

And what does our diligent brain love to do?

Obey our command.

So if we’re focusing on a past event or a probable future (usually negative), then that gives us very little energy to focus on what actually matters which is - ourselves.

And the ironic question we have to ask is, “Where can we affect the most change and who can do it?”

The answer is, “Here and me”.

And yet, most people continue to harp on the past and worry about the future and act from THAT place, which is not the present moment nor is that state of being the most effective.

In this episode of the Stressproof Podcast we’re going to break down the mechanism of the brain (and what to do about it) and how to start feeling into a different state so that YOU can begin to effect change here and now.




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Episode 227: Becoming Someone New

podcast Aug 21, 2024

If you’ve been yearning for a change in your life then the truth of the matter is you have to become someone new.

Someone who thinks and behaves differently when they wake up in the morning, speaks to their team, and most certainly the energy they emanate.

In this episode of the Stressproof Podcast we’re going to be talking about what it takes to become someone new and why you can’t miss this important step.

Listen now.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

How to use an EASY formula to break that negative thought spiral (that works like a charm)!


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Episode 226: Empty Mind Pt 2

podcast Aug 07, 2024

What if you could access peace even amidst a high tension meeting, hundreds of emails, or even traffic?

Do you really need an Empty Mind to access presence and deep spaciousness?

The short answer is no. Absolutely not.

And we’re breaking it all down in today’s podcast.

YOU ARE the awareness, the deep spaciousness that is presence.

Let’s talk about it.

Listen now.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

How to use an EASY formula to break that negative thought spiral (that works like a charm)!

Why “Self-Care” is the #1 Stress Myth. You’ve...

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Episode 225: Empty Mind

podcast Jul 24, 2024

Most people think we have a deep relationship with ourselves but mostly, we have a relationship to the THOUGHTS we have about our life, job, relationships, and even ourselves! Which is why how we feel about any one of those things can be up or down depending on what we think about it at any given moment.

But… What about you? What if how you felt about YOU stayed constant, connected, and deeply rooted because it wasn’t based on what went right or wrong, but simply because you have a deeply, powerful relationship to the deeper awareness that IS you?

One way to access that part of you is something called Empty Mind and we dive into this topic in this week's podcast.

Listen as I share how one random experiment with quitting social media for 30 days led me to my Empty Mind moment and how we can continue to practice Empty Mind in our daily lives.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X...

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Episode 224: Joy Deposits

podcast Jul 10, 2024

If you’ve ever achieved that dream job, role, house, trip, you name it and STILL felt that all too familiar eerie feeling of, “Is this it?”, then you might be missing out on Joy Deposits.

Joy Deposits are the investment we make along the way so that we practice and therefore BECOME the person that can meet that achievement with full RECEIVERSHIP.

We can’t practice the same Personalization of stress and worry and expect something external to us to suddenly change the software INSIDE of who we have been practicing being.

Joy Deposits can help change that over time but it will require practice.

Learn more about it here and why this can be the key to feeling more joy, harmony, and peace in your life.

Listen now.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and...

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Episode 223: Levels of Thinking

podcast Jun 26, 2024

In last week’s Weekend Wellness we discussed the 3 TYPES of Thinking, and this week on the podcast we’re now discussing the 3 LEVELS of Thinking.

Most people are living in Level 1 where they believe everything they are thinking to be true and even a fact in their life.

The risk we take when we remain in Level 1 is that we automate our day and how we show up without even questioning, “Is this the kind of result I want today?” or the even deeper question, “What am I creating that is allowing for this experience?”.

Tune in to learn more about each level so that we can create our life from a much deeper purpose.

Listen now.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The 3...

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Episode 222: Middle School

podcast Jun 12, 2024

By popular request I am sharing a simple yet highly effective concept that will help you shift your perception so that you can get through tough times and get what you truly desire.

This episode has helped people through busy times at work, get that well deserved promotion, and even make it to CEO. 

Just because something feels hard doesn’t mean it’s not meant for you.

In fact, this just might be what is required so that you can finally become who you truly want to be.

You got this.

Listen now.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X Faster: Discover the Stress-Busting Formula That Successful Leaders Swear By!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

How to use an EASY...

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