Episode 25: Achievement Addiction

podcast Aug 21, 2019

If you always feel this void after every achievement and you wonder to yourself, “what’s wrong with me?”, listen to this week’s episode and discover whether or not you have Achievement Addiction.

Achievement Addiction is stealth due to the fact that the symptoms can only be felt on the inside: the constant low grade anxiety of not having enough, the stress of looking at others to ensure you are “right on track”, and never feeling acknowledged or valued for what you’ve achieved thus far.

I cover four key questions you can ask yourself to start identifying your core motivating factors and what you can do to switch from an extrinsic motivation to an intrinsic motivation for longevity and happiness.

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Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by the ultimate training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn to think better thoughts in any situation without the stress. For instant access head on over to


[0:40]: Special shoutout to listener, Heather! If you love this podcast, please subscribe, share, and leave a review!

[2:25]: Story about Michael who has Achievement Addiction. Can you relate to his story?

[5:40]: What is Achievement Addiction?

[6:12]: Classic symptoms of Achievement Addiction: Your sense of achievement once reaching your goal is short lived, you minimize your achievements to yourself and others and say it’s really no big deal, you never feel at rest and often feel restless, (and more…)

[8:41]: Journal on these four questions to identify your core subconscious beliefs around Achievement Addiction

[10:50]: Had it really been about the house, the career, or the relationship, we would have stopped this behavior around Achievement Addiction a long time ago. It’s time to understand what is really driving this behavior

[11:35]: The true definition of Achievement and why we need to re-focus our attention on the process vs. the outcome

[12:20]: Over emphasis on rewarding and valuing the OUTCOME vs. the PROCESS and how this is causing our unhappiness when reaching achievement

[13:06]: Thich Nhat Hanh, Global Spiritual Leader & Peace Activist, How To Eat example

[14:20]: Achievement is not a bad thing, but you must have vision

[15:00]: Why extrinsic motivation does not work with Achievement


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