Episode 87: Relationship Stress 101

podcast Oct 21, 2020

There’s a reason why we feel stressed out when it comes to certain relationships, and it’s called - the Manual.

Believe it or not you have what’s called a Manual for how you expect certain people in your life to behave.

If you’ve ever felt frustrated when someone at work doesn’t speak to you with respect, is always late with their work, or perhaps you get upset when your partner doesn’t put away the dishes or takes out the garbage by a certain time - whether you know it or not, you have a Manual for this person and this Manual is causing you unnecessary stress and suffering.

Learn more about the Manual and the four common mistakes most stressed out sensitive high performers are making that is creating MORE stress instead of releasing it.

Listen now.


I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and the 3 THINGS YOU NEED RIGHT NOW to prevent stress before it even begins! For instant access head on over to

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In This Episode You’ll Hear:

  • The cause of almost every relationship stress we experience.
  • Why manuals are often unrealistic demands for other people.
  • The four most common mistakes people make when it comes to the manual.
  • How we use the manual against our own self and create distrust.
  • Why it’s impossible to control how other people behave.
  • Questions to ask yourself so that you can release this self-made manual.
  • And much more!

Ready to cut your stress in half so that you can shine at work like you know you’re capable of and get BACK to enjoying your life with the people you love? Well then make sure you join the email list at ! The official Stressproof Program will be released soon! Learn how to release stress 10X FASTER so you don’t have to waste any more precious time trying to feel better. Learn how to feel better once and for all.


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