Episode 166: I Want To Talk To You

podcast Feb 17, 2023

This morning, I was so fired up that I told everybody that is signed up on my email list that I wanted to talk to them. Yes, that was the title of the email.

And I am STILL so fired up, about what I have to say here in a moment, that I thought I would quickly record what I emailed my people on this week’s edition of Weekend Wellness so that YOU don’t miss out either.

So here it is.

If you're ready to diagnose what the heck is going on to make you feel the way you do, let’s talk.

During this short conversation I will tell you exactly what you need to focus on so that you can feel better, and if you're ready, I will also share with you the exact offering that can help you get to where you want to be but most importantly where you know you’re fully capable of being.

So if you’re ready, simply email me at [email protected] and make sure you put in the title, "I'm ready!" and I will send you a link to my calendar to book a time next week, Feb 20 -...

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Episode 165: All The Details You Need! {Private Retreat}

podcast Feb 09, 2023

Learn more about the One Day Private Retreat at 

We’re going to change the entire way you Personalize your life, your relationships, your work, and your purpose.

You will walk away with a whole new approach to how you experience your LIFE.

Imagine what it would be like to wake up knowing you are so much more in control of how you get to feel no matter what is happening or who you talk to?

Now imagine what ELSE you get to do with your life because you are now who you WANT to be?

How would this change how you spend your day, week, or even the rest of this year?

I hope you’re ready for magic.

Listen to learn more or head on over to


Are you a sensitive Executive and your feelings are starting to get the best of you?

Are you wondering whether your feelings are going to be the thing standing in your way of success?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where...

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Episode 164: Workingā€¦ With That One Person

podcast Feb 08, 2023

We all know we have to work with people… AND we also know that we can’t run from how we’re feeling forever.

I’m willing to bet the amount of pizza, Netflix, and wine over the years have proven to you that inevitably old feelings find their way back to you (especially when they relate to that one person at work!).

So then, if we know that we have to work with people and that we can’t run from our feelings…

The question we need to ask ourselves is, how do we expect to work with all KINDS of people, let alone do it amazingly well AND with genuine pleasure?

Well, the short version of it is that you can’t.

Great and wise leaders understand that they’ve had to build an AMAZING relationship with all of their feelings in order to not only do their job well, but live LIFE UTTERLY WELL.

You don’t want to miss this!

Oh! And details around the retreat will be coming out soon! For more info feel free to email me at...

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163: Your Stressproof Year + Private Retreat Announcement

podcast Jan 27, 2023

Let’s talk about what it actually takes to have a Stressproof year. But first, we have to understand what we want individually, because let’s be real… not everyone’s vision of what they want is going to be the same.

In this week’s episode we’re going to break down the three small steps that you can make today toward making that change, and to help us do that I’m going to introduce to you one of my clients.

OH, I’m also making a very important announcement. I’m hosting a private (very private) in-person retreat in Seattle this June. For more details listen to the intro and if you are 100% committed to attending this retreat, email me at [email protected] and I’ll send you all the details first.

Let’s do this.

Listen now.



Are you a sensitive Executive and your feelings are starting to get the best of you?

Are you wondering whether your feelings are going to be the thing...

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Episode 162: How To Stop Being Affected By Other People

podcast Jan 16, 2023

If you can’t seem to stop thinking about what someone said at work, or maybe you just can’t seem to get the image of their facial expression out of your head (as you try and get ready for bed), well, this episode is for you my friend.

Most highly functioning adults in the workplace start to let the stress of other people affect how they show up at work, and eventually their personal lives, impacting health and even relationships.

Learn what is happening inside of our mind and why we’ve become so affected by other people, AND learn how to change that right now.



Are you a sensitive Executive and your feelings are starting to get the best of you?

Are you wondering whether your feelings are going to be the thing standing in your way of success?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where I teach you:

  • The SPECIFIC critical mistakes every Empathic Executive is making that is keeping them in an endless cycle of feeling...
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Episode 161: Everything Works

podcast Jan 11, 2023

Have you ever tried more than one way to change a habit, or maybe you’ve tried several strategies to reach your goal in surpassing a company record (because wouldn’t that be amazing?)?

But in trying one strategy after another, you’re start to become frustrated or even bewildered as to why things aren’t working like you thought they would.

In this episode we’re going BEYOND the strategy and I’m breaking down why in actuality everything technically works, but it’s really about the belief you are holding in every single moment that drives the actual outcome to fruition, or not.

Listen now, you don’t want to miss this one!



Are you a sensitive Executive and your feelings are starting to get the best of you?

Are you wondering whether your feelings are going to be the thing standing in your way of success?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where I teach you:

  • The SPECIFIC critical...
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Episode 160: Rediscovering The New You

podcast Dec 28, 2022

When we can authentically be who we are without needing to hide, it gives us the raw opportunity to shine our full light, allow more headspace to be free to think in the present moment, and give others the same opportunity to let them be who they truly want to be.

In this episode I use several different examples from leadership styles, spirituality, dieting lifestyles, and more to illustrate how we can change over the years and what it means to embrace that change or to hide that change.

This doesn’t mean we become an open wikipedia to everyone in our lives, but it does invite an opportunity to reflect on who we’ve become and whether or not different parts of our lives have caught up to this change and as well as asking ourselves whether or not certain updates are even appropriate.

Listen now and re-discover the new YOU. It’s the perfect way to end the calendar year and embrace the new year.



Are you a sensitive Executive and your...

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Episode 159: Subtle Thoughts That Direct Your Life

podcast Dec 14, 2022

We’re very aware of what we support, believe, and even stand for, but are we fully aware of how we talk to ourselves about our dreams, goals, and our life?

Subtle Thoughts are so subtle that they are automatic.

You may be thinking and living your life from a place of, “Good things always happen to me” OR “Good things don’t last”.

It’s up to you to decide which is better, and this podcast episode is here to help you reveal the idea of subtle thoughts so that you can become more aware of the thoughts that are running the show of your life.

Oh! And the good news?

The good news is that Subtle Thoughts can change at any moment.

All it takes is a bit of practice.

Listen now.



Are you a sensitive Executive and your feelings are starting to get the best of you?

Are you wondering whether your feelings are going to be the thing standing in your way of success?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass...

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Episode 158: The Belief Process

podcast Dec 09, 2022

This bonus episode is a narration of my weekly newsletter, Weekend Wellness, titled “The Belief Process”. It’s so good that I had to share the audio version.

For a written version scroll down a tad.

To receive a short email from me every Friday, simply provide your email so that I know where to send it at 


I'm going through a specific season with my current clients.

They are all in a season of wanting to believe something they don't yet believe.

Can you relate to this too?

Maybe it's believing you can finally be the magnetic and confident Leader you know you can be.

Maybe it's believing you can actually learn to like that one colleague.

Maybe it's believing you can lose the last 8 pounds (for good).

Maybe it's believing you ARE worthy of that mighty love you've been looking for.

Whatever it is, one of the ways you can tell that you don't yet believe what you want to believe is by looking at your setbacks.

If you...

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Episode 157: Pain Signal Scale

podcast Nov 30, 2022

What if there was a scale you can refer to every time you felt prolonged mental or emotional distress? A scale that can show you that perhaps you’re in too much pain and if you let it go any further it can really lead to more problems and even more pain?

In this week’s episode I want to introduce to you the Pain Signal Scale and tell you all about it.

It’s a self evaluative tool you can use on yourself to see whether or not you’re simply tolerating the pain or if you’re letting the problem get the best of you.

Listen now and learn all about it.



Are you a sensitive Executive and your feelings are starting to get the best of you?

Are you wondering whether your feelings are going to be the thing standing in your way of success?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where I teach you:

  • The SPECIFIC critical mistakes every Empathic Executive is making that is keeping them in an endless cycle of feeling...
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