Episode 181: Listen To This Before You Receive Feedback

podcast Jun 07, 2023

Did you know there are two major ways in which people receive feedback?

That’s right.

Most people fall into a category of using an Internal Compass or an External Compass and depending on which you use it can drastically change the way you receive (or even give) feedback.

This is why one person can walk up to a stage to receive their MVP of the year award and not even believe they deserve it despite the fact that everyone is whistling and clapping for them, whereas another person can walk up and fully enjoy their moment.

I dig into this and so much more on this week’s podcast.

Listen now.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X FASTER Without Working Harder (or compromising a hard earned career)” Masterclass!

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE...

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Episode 180: Why Am I Not Changing? 3 Mistakes That Prevent It

podcast May 31, 2023

Ever feel like you’re trying SO hard to fix this one problem in your environment or maybe even about yourself and yet…. No matter how hard you try things just don’t seem to change?

If you’re nodding yes, then don’t worry. 

Because in this week’s episode I’m covering the 3 mistakes that most well intentioned people make that are keeping them STUCK in the problem with little to no progress.

Some of these may surprise you but that’s a good thing.

If you’re making one or all three of these mistakes, it very well might be the reason for why we’re just not seeing the change as fast as we want.

Listen now.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X FASTER Without Working Harder (or compromising a hard earned career)” Masterclass!

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you...

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Episode 179: The Work Manual

podcast May 24, 2023

Believe it or not we all are operating from a ‘Work Manual’ that is dictating how we feel about our day, job, team, and work.

If you’re frustrated at pointless meetings being booked on the calendar or the fact that the same person has emailed you for the 5th time already and it isn’t even noon yet…

Then listen to this podcast because this episode is for you.

Learn all about the Work Manual and how you can stress less without changing anything about your job.



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X FASTER Without Working Harder (or compromising a hard earned career)” Masterclass!

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allow our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.

How to use an EASY formula to...

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Episode 178: Stress-ability

podcast May 17, 2023

Most people give up on their ambitions and career goals because they believe you’re either wired to handle stress and thrive in chaotic environments - or not.

Unfortunately, this type of thinking has led to downgrades in career and quitting before realizing one very important thing:


Everyone has Stress-ability and has the capacity to strengthen and increase stress-ability.

Just like how we would never tell someone who’s never lifted weights, “You can’t handle those pounds of pressure”, because we know with the right training and practice they CAN.

Why do we think that we can’t increase our own capacity to increase our level of conscious thinking and levels of emotional space?

You absolutely can because everyone has stress-ability (just like how everyone has muscle!).

If you’re struggling with stress and are starting to believe “it must be me”... then you don’t want to miss this episode.

Listen now!


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Episode 177: Why Working Harder Doesn’t Solve The Problem (and keeps us stressed)

podcast May 10, 2023

Most people stuck in the Stressed Success Cycle make this hidden mistake hoping it will solve the problem, only to realize later it was keeping them stressed.

And that is….

Fast Action.

Fast Action is an action you take to “get it over with” so that you can remove the problem and feel better.

But this is like trying really hard to pedal faster so that you can reach your destination, only to realize you have a flat tire.

Fast Action is pedaling faster without realizing that Fast Action isn’t the solution!

And that is exactly what so many smart people are doing.

They are working HARDER hoping to feel better and get a different result, when really….

We need to take an entirely different approach.

Listen to this episode where we break it all down.

You don’t want to miss this one!



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X FASTER With These 3 POWERFUL...

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Episode 176: Borrowing From Your Future Dream

podcast May 03, 2023

What if you could borrow from your FUTURE dreams? 

Instead of waiting around for some future thing or person to be in your life, what if you could live every day, TODAY, as if you are living your dream right now?

Here’s the thing most people don’t realize…

You ARE on that path right now!

This IS part of the dream, in order for it to be achieved.

Without this part of what you are doing, your future dream would only exist in the future…

So why not enjoy yourself today?

I break this down even further and also talk about why BELIEF has to come first if you want to achieve your dreams with 100% confidence.

You don’t want to miss this one.



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X FASTER With These 3 Powerful Shifts!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:


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Episode 175: “I Quit… Now What?”

podcast Apr 26, 2023

So you quit your job… now what?

Do we go back to work? Take a sabbatical? What do we do with all this time? What is my purpose?

These are all the types of questions you might be asking yourself (or are considering) if you quit recently, and today we’re diving deep as to how to best approach this transition.

Whether you thrive on productivity or you kinda love being a couch potato (for once), this episode is for you if you want to address the much deeper question of, “Now what?” since you’ve been free from those obligations.

Listen now.


Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“Release Stress 10X FASTER With These 3 Powerful Shifts!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The 3 POWERFUL SHIFTS that allows our clients to SEE stress (and resolve it), instead of always feeling it for days or even weeks.


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Episode 174: Life Pivots And Following The Breadcrumbs

podcast Apr 19, 2023

Life Pivots. They’re bound to happen and you’ve probably been through a couple already.

In this episode I’m breaking down how I think about Life Pivots and the simple philosophy that has helped me to minimize confusion and make decisions with the least amount of regret.

P.S. I’m teaching this concept and a whole lot more at my in-person private retreat this June! Come join us at 



Have you watched the latest training stressed out Executives are raving about?

“3 Reasons Empathic Executives Feel Too Much And How To Fix It FAST!”

If not, then you might want to sign up and watch it now! Inside this Free Video Series training you will discover:

The #1 PROVEN FORMULA every Leader must-know in order to handle any situation with real confidence and ease, no matter how high the stakes are!

The SPECIFIC critical mistakes every Empathic Executive is making that is keeping them from...

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Episode 173: Saying No (Without The Guilt)

podcast Apr 12, 2023

Ever say ‘maybe’ or ‘not now’ only to turn back around and do it anyway?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. So many Empathic Executives find that this is was of the hardest lessons they had to learn (and even more so when it came to personal relationships such as family).

Good news is that saying no doesn’t have to be hard, and you certainly don’t need to feel guilty for honoring YOUR priorities!

In this episode we’ll be discussing:

  • Why some people might have a harder time saying no than others
  • The mistakes a lot of smart people make that keeps them in this Yes Cycle
  • The main driver behind WHY we mostly say yes instead of no (and the answer to this might surprise you)
  • And  finally the simple strategies you can implement TODAY so that you can work on your no muscle and get your precious time BACK.

You don’t want to miss this.

P.S. I’m teaching this concept and a whole lot more at my in-person private retreat this...

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BONUS: "It kind of turns your world upside down"

podcast Apr 10, 2023

All right, I have to read something for you all. Because I think there are a lot of you that can relate a SO MUCH to this student, especially if you’ve been thinking about getting coached or joining the program.

You see, he had reached out to me YEARS ago, and finally started the Stressproof Method self-study program, and I won’t speak for him, I’ll let him do the talking because here’s what he wrote in:


Susan - 

After a couple false starts, I got immersed in the material this weekend (1st section); I recall you suggested taking time, up to a week, to process the material - I just couldn't hold back. It kind of turns your world upside down. And I was very disillusioned with previous efforts I have tried in the past. 

Anyway, I took a lot of notes and have been reviewing - with the exercises; it's allowed me to build several 'models' that shook-up things I've been working on. 

This came at an important time for me on many fronts, and as...

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