Episode 17: How To Get Unstuck From Our Problems

podcast Jun 26, 2019

The actual words we use can keep our brain STUCK in a problem! And in this podcast we’re breaking down the concept of Nominalization (how we turn a process into a definitive STATE).

When we continue use words that keep problems “broad”, we don’t allow ourselves to see the solution because the problem is now fixed in our minds.

It becomes a fact of our life.

It just IS.

And this is how we get stuck in Problem Oriented Thinking vs. training our brain to be more Solution Oriented.

Learn how we can break down language and ask better questions so that we fine tune our self-awareness and prevent unnecessary stress and suffering in our every day lives.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by a new training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you...

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Episode 16: The Real Reason We Get Annoyed At Co-Workers, Partners, and Children

podcast Jun 19, 2019

Annoying co-workers, partners, or even family members can be a significant stressor in our lives. But what if I told you that the REAL reason why specific people annoy us is because of a very specific word we are using in our thoughts that are causing unnecessary stress and suffering?

That word is: SHOULD.

Should presupposes that something or someone is not “right”. And in this episode we’re going to deconstruct what that truly means and why “should” is a dangerous word that needs to be put under a microscope in order for us to start feeling better right away.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by a new training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn to think better thoughts in any situation without the stress. For...

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Episode 15: Decision Making & Emotional Responsibility

podcast Jun 12, 2019

If you’re currently struggling with making a decision this episode is for YOU! Oftentimes the underlying reason why we can’t make a decision is because we fear WHO we will have to become and WHAT we will need to do in order to make this dream a reality; and what most of us end up doing is we delay our lives because of this fear.

Listen as I explain and dig deeper into why decision making is so hard and what we can do about it so that we can start living the life we KNOW DEEP DOWN we truly want to live.

Some key questions you can start asking yourself to help you come closer to decision making include:

  • What are you so scared of on the other side of this decision?
  • What will force you to do?
  • Who will it force you to become?
  • How will it force you to feel?

We’ll also talk about what it means to take Emotional Responsibility for our lives and why taking Emotional Responsibility can unlock true confidence in every area of our lives.

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Episode 14: Elizabeth Polito on Stress, Death, and Healing

podcast Jun 05, 2019

Hey beautiful people, as you all know I bring guests on from various backgrounds so we can learn from other people’s experience with stress and the journey it led them towards. Today’s podcast features none other than Elizabeth Polito, a former Broadway performer turned Wholistic Healer and Higher Awareness Coach.

We didn’t expect this to happen but there IS a theme for this podcast episode and it is around Elizabeth’s connection to grief and loss. She mentions losing important people in her life several times in this episode and how the stress of this brought her to discover a new part of herself, which led her to a completely different career path and ultimately a new perspective in which she views life.

Learn how dance and movement has been a primary source of processing stress and other uncomfortable emotions as well as how energy practices have helped Elizabeth heal from loss.

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Episode 13: How To Get The Best Years Of Your Life Back

podcast May 29, 2019

Why does reminiscing about the past make you feel worse and how can you re-create “the best” moments so that we are living our best years now and forever more? In this episode of STRESSPROOF we deconstruct the idea of “the best years of our life” as well as learn more about how our brains our wired when it comes to memory.

Is our memory accurate? Can we create memories? And how can we replace meaning on certain memories?

All of these questions are answered in this week’s podcast so that you can leverage how memory works to create more meaningful life experiences.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by a new training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn to think better thoughts in any situation without the stress. For...

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Episode 12: What's Wrong With Me?

podcast May 22, 2019

If you’ve EVER asked yourself, “What’s WRONG with me?” then this episode is just for you. So many people blame themselves or believe there must be something wrong if we feel something negative, especially over a period of time that seems “unreasonable”.

But what often happens is we begin to start a new cycle of suffering by feeling bad ABOUT feeling bad!

In this podcast, we will be discussing the law of polarity, why our brains are wired to seek negative emotions, what question to ask yourself to bust through the negative cycle, and how to ease into a negative emotion so you can start feeling better.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by a new training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn to think better...

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Episode 11: Listener Q&A and Living Stress Free

podcast May 15, 2019

Have you ever cried at work? Wonder why this happens and how you can stop it? This episode is a special Listener Q&A where I answer YOUR questions!

We’ll discuss what it takes to maintain control of your emotions while at work, and whether or not it’s possible to truly live a stress free life.

Concepts discussed include the Polarity of Life, Middle School, and why it's important to do hard things.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Want to apply this even further in your life? Apply for VIP Coaching today at Spaces are limited!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by a new training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn to think better thoughts in any situation without the stress. For instant access head on over to


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Episode 10: How To Deal With Feedback

podcast May 08, 2019

If you dread feedback this is a clear sign of Problem Oriented Thinking! Most people play defense when it comes to feedback during mid-year or end of year reviews. And this doesn’t apply to just work! This same concept I’m about to share applies to your personal life, whether it’s with close friends, family, or even your partner.

Listen to this episode to learn how to leverage FEEDBACK to fuel your life and start making your dreams a reality.

After listening to this episode you’ll learn how to take back control of your life by looking at the RESULTS of your life to guide you toward the right feedback necessary to get what you want.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Want to apply this even further in your life? Apply for VIP Coaching today at Spaces are limited!

Oh! And this...

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Episode 9: How To Feel Better

podcast May 01, 2019

Have you ever woken up just feeling… blah? Trust me, you aren’t the only one! There’s this low level, chronic way of living most of us tolerate because we don’t know how to feel better. And in this episode of STRESSPROOF, I break down each step towards feeling better and how to transform any difficult emotion such as stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

We talk about emotions such as shame, humiliation, and anger, and why we can never truly “get rid” of these emotions. We also discuss why TRANSFORMING these emotions is a key component to feeling better.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me @susanchoiwellness and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Need coaching? Apply for VIP Coaching today at

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by Stress Management for Peak Performance. A FREE mini training series for the listeners of this podcast where you will learn the fundamentals of what you need to do...

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Episode 8: This ONE Thing Will Determine Your Breakthrough

podcast Apr 24, 2019

Most people give up on their next level of success, whether it’s the promotion, the partner, or the new number on the scale, because they don’t understand and apply this key concept – Middle School.

In this episode I cover the fundamentals of why we desire to change, what happens when we are faced with fear, and how to apply this key concept in order to finally BREAKTHROUGH to the next level of your life.

Key examples used include promotions, weight loss, and a personal story of my own.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please tag me @susanchoiwellness and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by Stress Management for Peak Performance. A FREE mini training series for the listeners of this podcast where you will learn the fundamentals of what you need to do in order to truly handle stress. For instant access head on over to!

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