Episode 46: Emotional Reception

podcast Jan 15, 2020

Do you ever feel as if happiness is fleeting? Are you always waiting for happiness to end or have you wondered to yourself, “what’s the point of even trying to feel better”?

There’s a reason why this happens and it’s because we haven’t fully embraced Emotional Reception.

The irony of happiness is that when we cling TO happiness we shorten the lifetime value OF our happiness when we finally have it.

Learn what it takes to embrace full Emotional Reception and why on a deeper level we actually need and want to feel difficult emotions such as grief, loss, doubt, and even jealousy.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! I have a few fun things for you.

I’m gifting a special Brain Priming Audio Guide to help you create SPACE between you and your thoughts so that you can respond to...

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Episode 45: Communications 101

podcast Jan 08, 2020

Do you find yourself having the same tense conversation with a co-worker or even your partner? Ever wonder how something you said which seems so simple can be misunderstood or misinterpreted?

Communication boils down to one thing - Personalization.

When we don’t make the effort to realize that two realities are colliding into understanding one another, we miss out on an opportunity to understand, empathize, and build bridges into each other’s worlds.

Listen to this episode as I break down Communications 101.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! I have a few fun things for you.

I’m gifting a special Brain Priming Audio Guide to help you create SPACE between you and your thoughts so that you can respond to situations without the stress. Simply head on over to iTunes and screenshot your review to ...

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Episode 44: Listener Q&A: Business Travel, Needing To Fix Everything, & Co-Workers

podcast Jan 01, 2020

Do you find yourself eating burgers instead of salads and skipping your workouts while traveling for business? Do you find this urge to always fix everything and make sure everything is ok? Or… are you still dealing with that annoying co-worker?

This week’s podcast is a special edition of a Listener Q&A.

We’re going to dive deep into each of these questions and identify where your stress is truly coming from. OH! And don’t be surprised when you find out that oftentimes the first question we are asking... is never really what is truly causing our stress.

Get ready to have your mind blown.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! I have a few fun things for you.

I’m gifting a special Brain Priming Audio Guide to help you create SPACE between you and your thoughts so that you can respond to...

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Episode 43: Rethinking Hell Yes

podcast Dec 25, 2019

What if I told you that all the BEST things in life actually don’t feel like a hell yes?

In fact, you’re supposed to feel all the feels. That’s right, anxiety, confusion, fear, and doubt… just to name a few.

And when we lean on having every decision NEEDING to feel like a hell yes, we often miss out on the opportunity to reach our goals faster, and most importantly, we miss out on meeting the future version of ourselves much sooner than we’d rather like.

If you’ve been wondering why you haven’t reached that one goal yet, or you’re starting to ask yourself, “What am I missing?”, then this episode is for you.

Listen to this episode as we rethink hell yes in every area of our life.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! I have a few fun things for you.


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Episode 42: Deep Hunger

podcast Dec 18, 2019

When we live on the surface of our life we often turn to overing behavior such as indulging in eating, drinking, or shopping because we don’t realize we are hungry for something much deeper.

Whether that is more intimacy, more fulfillment, or simply to feel excited, we evade our deep hunger by distracting ourselves with small hits of dopamine that never have a lasting effect.

Learn how addressing our deepest hunger can lead to a more fulfilling life, without needing to fill our physical bodies with extra food or drinks that would never have satisfied our craving.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! I have a few fun things for you.

I’m gifting a special Brain Priming Audio Guide to help you create SPACE between you and your thoughts so that you can respond to situations without the stress. Simply head on...

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BONUS: It's OK To Be Afraid

podcast Dec 14, 2019

Feeling afraid doesn’t have to mean that something is wrong or that you’re making a wrong choice.

In fact, did you know that feeling fear is always a PREREQUISITE to achieving anything big in your life? This is especially true if you’ve never done it before.

Join me in this bonus podcast episode where I share common “logical” questions that often come up during these moments prior to making the next big step in our lives, so that you can identify fear as part of the process and move on to achieving BIG things.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! I have something fun for you!

I’m gifting a special Brain Priming Audio Guide to help you create SPACE between you and your thoughts so that you can respond to situations without the stress. Simply head on over to iTunes and screenshot your...

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Episode 41: Simplification

podcast Dec 11, 2019

The reason why it’s so hard for most people to simplify their lives, is because it reveals to us our biggest discomforts and forces us to face the truth of our lives, and we have to ask ourselves, are we ready for that?

Our brains love to indulge in confusion despite how painful confusion feels. And the reason why we decide to stay in confusion is because the pain of the unknown far outweighs something much more familiar - confusion.

Learn how three simple suggestions to simplify our life, can help us not only get our time back so that we can focus on our biggest goals, but also give us the opportunity to finally see what we have been hiding from ourselves all along.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! I have a few fun things for you.

I’m gifting a special Brain Priming Audio Guide to help you create SPACE...

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Episode 40: Do You Fail On Purpose?

podcast Dec 04, 2019

Most high performers wait for the “right” moment in time to take action. But what we don’t realize is that every moment is “right” and so therefore it FEELS as if we are waiting forever for that special moment for things to finally click!


And in this episode I’m going to share with you an unconventional approach to actually achieving your 2020 goals.

We’re not going to just write out our intentions or goals, we’re going to be outlining the BLUEPRINT of how to fail, and fail a lot.

By the end of this podcast you’re going to learn how to increase your capacity to fail, and why failing on purpose is the only way to achieve everything you ultimately desire.

Oh! I have a few fun things for you.

I’m gifting a special Brain Priming Audio Guide to help you create SPACE between you and your thoughts so that you can respond to situations without the stress. Simply head on over to Apple Podcasts and screenshot your...

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Episode 39: Finding Deeper Love & Expanded Awareness with Private Client Stephanie

podcast Nov 27, 2019

Finding deeper love and an expanded level of consciousness was not what Stephanie had in mind when we first started working….

In the beginning it was all about how to finally manage stress once and for all especially after moving to a new city for love, rebuilding community, managing her career, and planning for a family.

In this week’s special episode Stephanie shares her very own story of how she was managing her life prior to doing this work, and what her life looks like now with a new set of tools she will be using for life.

In fact, Stephanie shares just how pivotal this work has been in helping her cultivate even DEEPER love in her most important relationships such as the one she has with her self, her husband, and her father.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! I have a few fun things for you.


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Episode 38: Next Level Thoughts

podcast Nov 20, 2019

Ever made a huge decision that felt so right and suddenly you were met with fear and doubt? Perhaps you hear the voice in your head asking you, “What was so wrong with where you were? How are you possibly going to make this work? Are you sure you’re good enough for this?”.


Before you go back to where things were comfortable, I’m here to tell you this is a natural part of evolving into your future self and these are the thoughts I call: Next Level Thoughts.

These are the thoughts where, if not recognized instantly, most people turn around and give up on their dreams. Whether it’s the dream career, role, partner, or weight.

If you’re anything like me and my clients, and you love setting goals for yourself no matter the time of year, then you don’t want to miss this episode where you’ll discover how to instantly recognize Next Level Thoughts so that you can move beyond this moment and focus on achieving your dreams.


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