Episode 93: Disappointing Others & Yourself

podcast Dec 02, 2020

Are you afraid of disappointing others for how they might react to you or not accept you?

OR do you fear your inability to feel disappointment is preventing you from growing certain relationships or experiences in your life?

If so, you don’t want to miss this episode.

There is a common misconception about disappointment that most struggling successes make, and this misunderstanding is actually creating more disappointment and more FALSE relationships than it is authentic relationships and results.

No matter what circumstance presents itself, YOU cannot disappoint others.

What creates disappointment in others is a result of their thoughts - not you or what you've done.

Learn exactly why you can never “disappoint” anyone and why “disappointment” as feedback is a much better way to operate from POWER vs. force.


I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is...

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Episode 92: Believing In Your BEST Future

podcast Nov 25, 2020

Why is it that some people struggle to create the future they REALLY want, let alone believe it’s possible for them, while others continue to reach their dreams year after year?

What is it that allows some to create loud and audacious goals, while others stick to what’s “realistically” possible for them?

If you've ever wondered why you haven't achieved that goal or number in your career, or if dreaming big actually scares you more than it excites you...

... then you don't want to miss this episode.

In this episode I’m breaking down exactly how to think about your FUTURE so that you stop limiting yourself and what’s possible for you, AND so that you can start enjoying your future ahead of time.

You don’t want to miss this.


I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and the 3 THINGS YOU NEED RIGHT NOW to prevent...

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Episode 91: Boundaries and Saying No

podcast Nov 18, 2020

Even with all of your achievements do you ever find that it’s never easy to say no? Do you feel like you don’t know what to do when someone crosses the line? Or perhaps you push down your own feelings in order to avoid conflict?

If so, then you’ll want to listen to this week’s podcast where we’re going to be talking about boundaries and what it really looks like to say no.

Most stressed successes make the #1 mistake of setting boundaries the WRONG way by making it about the other person, which only causes more stress and anxiety.

When you learn how to make boundaries about YOU and what YOU will do when the line is crossed, suddenly you will feel more empowered and confident no matter what situation comes your way.

Listen now and learn how to have your own back.


I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and the 3 THINGS YOU...

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Episode 90: How To Be Stronger Than Panic

podcast Nov 11, 2020

What if you could be so calm during chaos that everything feels as if it were moving in slow motion? What if you could hit the pause button before reacting in stress and panic towards another high priority meeting, and respond with ease, confidence, and true power?

Guess what?

You ARE that powerful.

So powerful that whether you know it or not, YOU are the one that created panic in the first place. And if you created it, you can also stop it, but it will require you to start thinking on PURPOSE.

Most stressed successes are too busy taking messy action believing that the crisis is causing their panic, while true successful people who are happy inside AND out are operating from a place of managing their brain and their heart first.

Listen now and learn more about what it really takes to be stronger than panic, and the ONE question you need to ask yourself to start breaking down the paradigm of constantly believing our negative thinking.


I’ve created a...

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Episode 89: Behind the Scenes with Susan Choi

podcast Nov 04, 2020

This week I’m sharing an impromptu interview that my videographer and I did while driving to a location for a video shoot. It’s more personal and you’ll get to hear more about me and my personal favorites, as well as what got me stumped! Warning: there’s LOTS of laughter, and I hope you join in on the fun. Enjoy!


I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and the 3 THINGS YOU NEED RIGHT NOW to prevent stress before it even begins! For instant access head on over to

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

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Episode 88: Relationship Stress 201

podcast Oct 28, 2020

In part two of the Relationship Stress series we’ll be discussing the second biggest reason why we’ve become so unsettled in our professional and personal relationships.

I’ll be sharing how “1 way channeling” is leading to having a secondary relationship with people in our minds, and how this split of how we treat people in our minds vs. in real life is causing so much disconnect and stress.

If you ever talk to yourself or negotiate with yourself about certain people in your mind but end up showing up differently in person, this misaligned action is the symptom of a much bigger cause, which you’ll learn about in this episode.

Listen now and learn what it takes to create deeper connections with the people in your life.


I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and the 3 THINGS YOU NEED RIGHT NOW to prevent stress...

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Episode 87: Relationship Stress 101

podcast Oct 21, 2020

There’s a reason why we feel stressed out when it comes to certain relationships, and it’s called - the Manual.

Believe it or not you have what’s called a Manual for how you expect certain people in your life to behave.

If you’ve ever felt frustrated when someone at work doesn’t speak to you with respect, is always late with their work, or perhaps you get upset when your partner doesn’t put away the dishes or takes out the garbage by a certain time - whether you know it or not, you have a Manual for this person and this Manual is causing you unnecessary stress and suffering.

Learn more about the Manual and the four common mistakes most stressed out sensitive high performers are making that is creating MORE stress instead of releasing it.

Listen now.


I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and the 3 THINGS YOU NEED...

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Episode 86: Deconditioning Learned Stress Responses - Email

podcast Oct 14, 2020

Email doesn’t cause your stress; if you think about it, email just sits in a virtual cloud and yet why do we let something such as email, bother us to the point where we can’t have a perfectly normal day without wondering, “I wonder what’s happened this time?”.

The problem AND the answer is inside our brain.

We’ve conditioned our brain to respond with stress - even before we’ve touched our phone to see WHO or WHAT the email is about.

Crazy isn’t it?

The good news, you can decondition your brain just as fast as you’ve trained it to respond with stress, and I break it all down for you inside this episode.

You don’t want to miss it!

Listen now and share this important topic with someone you love!


I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and the 3 THINGS YOU NEED RIGHT NOW to prevent stress...

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Episode 85: Pandemic Sensitivity

podcast Oct 07, 2020

You’d think with having more time and LESS physical obligations, LESS people to worry about, and LESS places to go, that naturally your stress would slightly follow suit and decrease as well.

Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case for many people around the world and that is because our brains never stop working and LOVES to solve problems.

And just because there’s less to do, doesn’t mean there’s less for your brain to focus on.

In fact, have you noticed that even the smallest things have gotten the best of you?

Things that may not have otherwise bothered you PRE-pandemic?

OR, have you been noticing old, not-so-good habits coming back to life?

Habits such as biting your nails, snacking, or drinking too much wine?

Don't worry, there's a reason why this is happening and I talk about it this week on the podcast.

Introducing Pandemic Sensitivity.

It's when our brains start to find problems in even the slightest things that we might have overlooked when...

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Episode 84: Circuitry vs. Malfunction

podcast Sep 30, 2020

Do you ever tense up when you see notifications, bolded emails, or unanswered phone calls? And because you feel this way do you ever wonder to yourself, “What the heck is wrong with me?”.

In this week’s episode I’m sharing why it’s so important to recognize when we have thoughts, feelings, and reactions that are simply based on circuitry, instead of making our reaction MEAN something negative about who we are or that something has gone terribly wrong.

When we live in malfunction vs. recognizing circuitry we start adding unnecessary stress in our lives that ultimately result in dysfunction.

Stop the unnecessary stress, listen now.


I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and the 3 THINGS YOU NEED RIGHT NOW to prevent stress before it even begins! For instant access head on over to ...

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