Most Stressed Out Successes believe that if the problem just went away THEN their stress will go away too, and then everything will go back to normal.
Unfortunately, if you’ve been operating under this model, then you’re probably still stressed, handling one problem after another, and wondering if maybe...
... this is what life is SUPPOSED to feel like.
The only reason why life seems that way right now is because you're presupposing that problems automatically equal something negative.
In this episode we’re going to be talking about why your problem is NOT the problem, and how believing this is actually keeping you stuck and feeling miserable.
Listen as we look at what is actually contributing to so much unnecessary stress as we continue to make problems a “bad” thing, and learn how to become a good PROBLEM SOLVER instead so that you can actually STOP repeating your life and start experiencing that next level instead.
Stuck Energy is tricky especially if you’re a go-getter. Why? Because you probably tried it all.
You’ve tried researching the problem, meditating, journaling, seeing advice, and yet… you still don’t have the answer and all you feel is more stuck!
If this is you, don’t worry.
In this week’s episode I’m sharing the 5 hidden and sneaky ways in which your brain likes to keep you STUCK. You’d never know it if I didn’t tell you because of how logical it appears in our life.
Listen now and get unstuck.
I’ve created a FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and the 3 THINGS YOU NEED RIGHT NOW to prevent stress before it even begins! For instant access head on over to
Watched the training and ready to go deeper?
Get 1:1 support to cut your stress in half so that you can shine at...
Ever lie awake at night tossing and turning, even punching your pillows trying to find the right sleep position only to have your mind spinning replays of what happened that day or anticipating everything that MIGHT happen tomorrow?
If you’re nodding along and you STILL have trouble falling asleep or falling BACK asleep then there’s a high probability that you’re making 3 critical mistakes in trying to fix this problem that is actually keeping you awake.
Listen as I break down each of these mistakes and what it actually takes to start feeling genuine peace and power when it comes to sleep AND your life.
I’ve created a FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and the 3 THINGS YOU NEED RIGHT NOW to prevent stress before it even begins! For instant access head on over to
Watched the training and ready to go...
Most stressed out successes believe that abundance is right around the corner.
“Once I get that promotion, then I’ll really feel good.”
“Once I make this much, then I’ll feel more secure.”
“Once I meet my partner, I’ll feel loved and life will be an adventure!”
Can you relate?
Here’s the thing… This backwards way of thinking is keeping many struggling successes STRESSED and further away from their goal. And this is because things in the FUTURE do not make you feel abundance.
THINGS cannot make us FEEL anything.
Materially you may have an abundance of THINGS. But things do not create how you feel on a day to day basis.
Feeling abundance comes from your thinking.
And in order to feel it NOW you have to start managing your brain and understand how to think ON PURPOSE.
Listen to this episode and don’t make the same mistakes most people are making that is keeping them stuck.
You can feel anything you want.
If you want a more expansive career, more money, deeper intimacy, or simply to experience something completely NEW in your life, then what you’re really looking for is a Next Level Experience.
Most people either doubt this Next Level Experience is possible for them, OR some people have no idea they’re even IN pain and that something better is waiting for them around the corner if they’re just willing to take a look!
Either way, I’m walking you through the exact questions to ask yourself so that you get OUT of the river of misery (aka unnecessary stress) and step into YOUR Next Level Experience.
Listen now.
I’ve created a FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and the 3 THINGS YOU NEED RIGHT NOW to prevent stress before it even begins! For instant access head on over to
Watched the training and ready...
Believe it or not stress is necessary for growth, and if you’re anything like me and my clients you LOVE GROWTH.
But the key difference between Stressproof Execs and most struggling successes is the difference between unnecessary stress and eustress.
Stress can be exciting. It can serve a purpose.
Unnecessary stress only creates more pain and suffering.
And that’s why in this week’s episode I’m breaking down eustress and why it’s so important to cultivate a new approach toward stress, especially if you know you’re never giving up on some of your biggest dreams.
Listen now.
I’ve created a FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and the 3 THINGS YOU NEED RIGHT NOW to prevent stress before it even begins! For instant access head on over to
Watched the training and ready to go deeper?
Restlessness isn’t an easy feeling to deal with.
Let's be real.
In fact, when we DO feel it, most stressed successes constantly feel the need to fill their time.
And when they can’t find anything to fill their time, this feeling of restlessness typically leads to feeling even more confused and ashamed about their life, overeating, pouring the extra glass of wine, scrolling their phone for someone to reach out to, or turning to work on miscellaneous, low priority tasks at work to pass the time.
Here's the thing.
If we were to take the time to genuinely LOOK at restlessness, it can reveal to us how we really feel about three major areas of our life: our future, how capacity to like who we are, and whether or not we’re catching unintentional thoughts.
Because the truth is, constantly giving in to restlessness only leads to more restlessness since we’re simply trying to outrun who we are and/or our biggest fears.
But this doesn't have to be YOU.
Listen now to...
Are you afraid of disappointing others for how they might react to you or not accept you?
OR do you fear your inability to feel disappointment is preventing you from growing certain relationships or experiences in your life?
If so, you don’t want to miss this episode.
There is a common misconception about disappointment that most struggling successes make, and this misunderstanding is actually creating more disappointment and more FALSE relationships than it is authentic relationships and results.
No matter what circumstance presents itself, YOU cannot disappoint others.
What creates disappointment in others is a result of their thoughts - not you or what you've done.
Learn exactly why you can never “disappoint” anyone and why “disappointment” as feedback is a much better way to operate from POWER vs. force.
I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is...
Why is it that some people struggle to create the future they REALLY want, let alone believe it’s possible for them, while others continue to reach their dreams year after year?
What is it that allows some to create loud and audacious goals, while others stick to what’s “realistically” possible for them?
If you've ever wondered why you haven't achieved that goal or number in your career, or if dreaming big actually scares you more than it excites you...
... then you don't want to miss this episode.
In this episode I’m breaking down exactly how to think about your FUTURE so that you stop limiting yourself and what’s possible for you, AND so that you can start enjoying your future ahead of time.
You don’t want to miss this.
I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and the 3 THINGS YOU NEED RIGHT NOW to prevent...
Even with all of your achievements do you ever find that it’s never easy to say no? Do you feel like you don’t know what to do when someone crosses the line? Or perhaps you push down your own feelings in order to avoid conflict?
If so, then you’ll want to listen to this week’s podcast where we’re going to be talking about boundaries and what it really looks like to say no.
Most stressed successes make the #1 mistake of setting boundaries the WRONG way by making it about the other person, which only causes more stress and anxiety.
When you learn how to make boundaries about YOU and what YOU will do when the line is crossed, suddenly you will feel more empowered and confident no matter what situation comes your way.
Listen now and learn how to have your own back.
I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and the 3 THINGS YOU...
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