Episode 63: Meeting Your Future Self

podcast May 06, 2020

One of the biggest reasons why we don’t have what we want is because we haven’t tapped into our future self yet.

Most people, without realizing it, try to reach their new goals by continuing to BE and ACT from their PAST self and end up perpetuating their current circumstances because they haven’t learned the art of thinking new thoughts.

You know... the kind of thoughts that your future self had to think in order to get new things and new experiences!

Because I guarantee you, your future self isn't thinking thoughts such as:

Why is this so hard!
This isn't possible for me!
Where is the step by step playbook!

That's why in this episode, I’m breaking down the three most common mistakes most people are making when it comes meeting their future self so that we can get even closer to our dreams.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways...

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BONUS: All About 'Ready'

podcast Apr 30, 2020

It’s not about what you don’t know and it’s not about what you need to get done in order to be ready.

In fact, that’s simply a combination of perfectionism and confusion perfectly wrapped up with a pretty little bow presenting itself to you - as logic.

Until we understand the specific thoughts we are thinking that is causing us to procrastinate, stay underwhelmed, or give up entirely on our dreams… we will always tell ourselves we simply aren’t ready.

Stop telling yourself you’re confused, and start managing your brain.

Listen to this bonus podcast for more.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Want to work with me?

Currently there are two ways to work with me. 1) The Stressproof Group Coaching Program starts May 5th! Learn all about it here: 2) Get...

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Episode 62: How To Get Results

podcast Apr 29, 2020

Why is it that some people always seem to get the results that they want while others struggle to get there?

Believe it or not there are TWO types of action you can take but only one of them will get you to your goal. 

In this episode I’m breaking down what it means to take Passive Action vs. Massive Action.

If you’re someone who knows on a deep level that you were meant for more in this life, then you don’t want to miss this episode where you will learn exactly how to get the results that you want!

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! I have something juicy for you.

I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling with stress, and exactly what you can do to prevent stress before it even begins! For instant access...

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Episode 61: Feeling Pressure

podcast Apr 22, 2020

Why is it that some people seem so calm under pressure while others are clearly trying everything they can to keep it all together?

For one, when we constantly judge our experience as negative, we will only create more negative experiences.

That is how our brain works.

Once you think a thought, your brain does everything it can to create evidence for your thought.

And when we don’t manage our brain and understand our emotions about what we think is creating pressure, chaos ensues.

Listen to this episode where I share what it means to feel pressure and how to navigate pressure by seeing the beauty it reveals to us about our lives.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! I have something juicy for you.

I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is...

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Episode 60: How To Trust Your Decisions

podcast Apr 15, 2020

Have you ever felt confused after making a decision because you didn’t feel good afterwards?

And because you didn’t feel good you ended up doubting your decision or going back to the way things were?

When we don’t realize change requires us to feel multiple emotions and the need to hold two emotions in one container, oftentimes we will mistake sadness, grief, or even desire as a signal that we made the wrong decision when really it was ok to feel all of those things to begin with.

Whether it’s moving on to a different company, leaving an expired relationship, or having a difficult conversation, we will feel multiple emotions at once but the question is, do you have the skills required to A) clean up your thinking enough to like your reasons and B) have the emotional capacity to hold multiple emotions in one container?

Listen to this episode as I share more about what it takes to finally trust your decisions once and for all.

If you enjoyed this podcast,...

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Episode 59: Dealing with Uncertainty

podcast Apr 08, 2020

Believe it or not we live in uncertainty all the time.

We don't know if we're going to wake up tomorrow.

We don't know if we'll see the same people again a week from now.

We don't even know if an asteroid will hit this earth and this is my last podcast to you.

The truth is, we can only be 100% certain of something after the fact.

And the more we hold on to certainty needing to feel peace in our life, the more suffering we put upon ourselves.

Instead, listen to this week's podcast where I explain the concept of Allowance so that you can build resilience toward uncertainty and start watching your dreams come true.

If you struggle with not being certain about the future, or maybe even your current situation, then you don’t want to miss this episode!

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! I have something juicy for you....

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Challenge: Your Micro Goal For The Next 30 Days

podcast Apr 03, 2020

This is a random bonus episode with a CHALLENGE for you inside.

The truth is, we can look at our situation as losing weeks of our lives or we can create something AMAZING from this.

Because if you’re anything like me, you know just how precious our time is.

We will never get this time back.

I repeat.

We will never get this time back. Ever.

In this episode I’m reminding you what it’s like to feel stress from your head vs. your body, and why feeling it from your body will actually help you release unnecessary stress and suffering, your challenge for the next 30 days, plus I’m sharing how I’ve been adjusting to the new norm.

After listening to this podcast I’d love to hear what YOUR micro goal is for the next 30 days! Screenshot this podcast episode and tag me @susanchoiwellness and let me know over on Instagram!

Oh! I have something juicy for you.

I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart...

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Episode 58: What Our Impulses Reveal

podcast Apr 01, 2020

Impulsive behavior such as overeating and pouring the glass of wine at 4pm, are becoming the norm as many people are struggling with the lack of structure and routine they’re so used to in their day to day lives.

Until we get curious about our impulsive behavior we will continue to see undesirable results such as gaining weight and feeling less than stellar from having one too many glasses of wine the night before. Not to mention the lack of productivity.

Listen to this episode as I reveal exactly what our impulses reveal and the top 3 reasons why our impulses feel so uncontrollable and what we can do about it.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! I have something juicy for you.

I’ve created a new FREE training for the listeners of this podcast that reveals why a smart person like you is still struggling...

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Episode 57: Deepening Human Connection, Feeling Lonely, & Social Distancing

podcast Mar 25, 2020

Social distancing may be in effect, but that doesn’t mean we as humans have never felt lonely prior to this directive, and it also doesn’t mean that just because we are social distancing that we need to feel lonely at all.

In fact, physicality has virtually nothing to do with connection!

Whether you are suffering from loneliness or you believe you need to physically see someone in order to feel connection, this episode is just for you.

Learn how you can feel a connection simply by thinking the right thoughts.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! I have something juicy for you.

This podcast is brought to you by a FREE training on Stress Management for Peak Performance! In this series you will learn the #1 reason why most people are still feeling stuck and the EXACT method every high performer is using to get...

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Episode 56: What Every Stressed Success is MISSING That's Keeping Them Stressed

podcast Mar 18, 2020

The reason why most people can never resolve their stress is because they’re missing one or all of the three pillars of the Stressproof Method, and today, I’m breaking it all down.

I’m going to teach exactly why so many people find themselves endlessly trying to manage their stress with nothing to show for, and how without these specific components in place, we’ll always feel as if we’re in a never ending cycle of trying to find one solution after another.

Trust me, you’re NOT broken and there’s nothing wrong with YOU, and this will all make sense when you listen to this episode as I breakdown the Stressproof Method.


If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! I have something juicy for you.

This podcast is brought to you by a FREE training on Stress Management for Peak...

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