Episode 143: THIS Matters More Than Thoughts & Feelings

podcast May 18, 2022

Before we can do the work of managing our monkey mind and monkey feelings, we have to first understand WHAT THE HECK we are reacting to.

Is it really the email? That person? Or the decision we have to make?

Why do we jump to believing every thought in our brain?

Are we even aware that this is exactly what we are doing?

We answer all this and more in this week’s podcast.

Listen now.


Want to learn what it really takes to release stress 10X FASTER?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where I teach you:

  • The SPECIFIC critical mistakes every Stressed Out Success is making that is keeping them in an endless cycle of stress with nothing to show for.
  • The 3 powerful shifts needed in order to finally stop being a stressed out Leader.
  • An EASY formula you can use to break that negative thinking (that works like a charm)!

Plus, you’ll learn all about the Stressproof Method and how Executives and Leaders around the world are applying it...

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Episode 142: Two Major Ways We Personalize (the difference between stress & freedom)

podcast May 04, 2022

Ever wonder how that one person at work is getting all of the recognition and seems to be gliding through life despite the fact that you both have the same skills and capabilities to do the job?

Today we’re talking about the two ways we Personalize and why this one internal skill alone can make all the difference despite the number of external certifications you have.

Listen now.


Want to learn what it really takes to release stress 10X FASTER?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where I teach you:

  • The SPECIFIC critical mistakes every Stressed Out Success is making that is keeping them in an endless cycle of stress with nothing to show for.
  • The 3 powerful shifts needed in order to finally stop being a stressed out Leader.
  • An EASY formula you can use to break that negative thinking (that works like a charm)!

Plus, you’ll learn all about the Stressproof Method and how Executives and Leaders around the world are applying it...

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Episode 141: Are You Being Seen?

podcast Apr 20, 2022

We’re not talking about likes, how many connections you have on LinkedIn, or whether or not people notice you at work. What we’re talking about today is whether or not you have someone who can truly SEE YOU.

Your fears, what you lie awake at night thinking about, but also what you are fully capable of achieving in all of your potential.

Most Stressed Out Successes go a great deal of their life never being held in a way that can transform their greatest fears, but instead live in this calcified state where fear runs their lives and every decision they make.

Listen now and why it’s so important to finally be SEEN in a way that can transform your life.



Want to learn what it really takes to release stress 10X FASTER?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where I teach you:

  • The SPECIFIC critical mistakes every Stressed Out Success is making that is keeping them in an endless cycle of stress with nothing to show for.
  • ...
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Episode 140: The Healing Is In The Feeling

podcast Apr 06, 2022

The #1 mistake most Stressed Out Successes make when trying to feel better is that they take the WRONG ACTION such as: booking the meetings in order to resolve the issue themselves, trying to find another job because they think, “Maybe it’s this environment.”, or they spend their weekends in Napa hoping a ton of wine and good food will help them forget about “it”.

Can you relate to this too?

The problem is, trying to work or buy your feelings away is like trying to push down an inflatable underwater. It doesn’t work for long and it shoots right back up.

If you want to finally feel better, you have to be willing to FEEL it… in order to HEAL YOU.

Listen to this episode where I break it all down, and why feelings are your greatest asset towards success.



Want to learn what it really takes to release stress 10X FASTER?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where I teach you:

  • The SPECIFIC...
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Episode 139: Overcoming Procrastination with Dr. Christine Li (The Procrastination Coach)

podcast Mar 23, 2022

This week I have the Procrastination Coach, Dr. Christine Li on the podcast to talk all about how to overcome procrastination (perfect for tax season), why we have resistance to starting, how feelings are involved with procrastination, visualizing worst case endings, intuition, and how to work with your children or someone you love who is struggling with procrastination.

You don’t want to miss this.

To learn more about Dr. Christine Li check out her website at


Want to learn what it really takes to release stress 10X FASTER?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where I teach you:

  • The SPECIFIC critical mistakes every Stressed Out Success is making that is keeping them in an endless cycle of stress with nothing to show for.
  • The 3 powerful shifts needed in order to finally stop being a stressed out Leader.
  • An EASY formula you can use to break that negative thinking (that works like a charm)!


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Episode 138: Stop Living In FEAR

podcast Mar 18, 2022

This is an audio version of 'Weekend Wellness'. A weekly newsletter that goes out every Friday. This week it was so good I had to share it here on the podcast. I hope you enjoy and that it moves you.

Subscribe at


Want to learn what it really takes to release stress 10X FASTER?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where I teach you:

  • The SPECIFIC critical mistakes every Stressed Out Success is making that is keeping them in an endless cycle of stress with nothing to show for.
  • The 3 powerful shifts needed in order to finally stop being a stressed out Leader.
  • An EASY formula you can use to break that negative thinking (that works like a charm)!

Plus, you’ll learn all about the Stressproof Method and how Executives and Leaders around the world are applying it to achieve massive results in their lives.

For instant access head on over to 


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Episode 137: Happiness vs. Purpose (WHAT SHOULD YOU FOCUS ON?)

podcast Mar 09, 2022

Are you sure happiness is what you want in your life? Sure it feels great, but what if you learned that happiness is only a STATE… and that relying on happiness is what is actually keeping you unhappy because our minds and bodies are meant to feel different states all the time?

In this week’s podcast I’m breaking down the difference between happiness vs. purpose, and why most Stressed Out Successes make the mistake of distracting themselves by chasing happiness.

Get ready to feel more fulfilled and ALIGNED than you’ve ever felt before.

Let’s go. 


Want to learn what it really takes to release stress 10X FASTER?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where I teach you:

  • The SPECIFIC critical mistakes every Stressed Out Success is making that is keeping them in an endless cycle of stress with nothing to show for.
  • The 3 powerful shifts needed in order to finally stop being a stressed out Leader.
  • An EASY...
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Episode 136: Pretty Thoughts aka Leap Thoughts

podcast Feb 23, 2022


Most Stressed Out Successes remain stressed because they jump to the thought they SHOULD be thinking… but don’t yet believe. And this disharmony creates even more confusion.

They think, “I know if I can just believe this thought that everything can change!” and end up feeling even more stressed and ashamed when they can’t.

For example, if you knew that all you had to believe was, “I’m going to kick a** in this new job” but what you really feel is massive doubt, that’s what I call a Pretty Thought and continuing to try convincing yourself of this Pretty Thought isn’t helpful you feel better faster.

Listen to this new episode as I dive into breaking down what Pretty Thoughts are and the quick 3 step process for finding the next BELIEVABLE thought instead.

Let’s go.


Want to learn what it really takes to release stress 10X FASTER?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass...

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Episode 135: Is This Sneaky Mistake Keeping You Stressed?

podcast Feb 09, 2022

You know what the problem is.

You know what the solution is.

So why are so many people still stressed?

It’s a sneaky thought that seems so logical and sounds like, “I know what I need to do.”.

The problem is, most Stressed Out Successes never realize that just because you know what you need to do on one level, doesn’t necessarily mean you actually DO IT.

Listen to this episode as I dig even further and what it takes to actually start the inner transformation.


Want to learn what it really takes to release stress 10X FASTER?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where I teach you:

  • The SPECIFIC critical mistakes every Stressed Out Success is making that is keeping them in an endless cycle of stress with nothing to show for.
  • The 3 powerful shifts needed in order to finally stop being a stressed out Leader.
  • An EASY formula you can use to break that negative thinking (that works like a charm)!

Plus, you’ll learn...

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Episode 134: Receiving vs. Creating (HOW YOU FEEL)

podcast Jan 26, 2022

 So many Stressed Out Successes outsource their FEELINGS based on their job, their projects, or what happens in their life to dictate how they get to feel.

But if this really worked, then how is it that no matter how hard YOU tried to make someone else happy… it actually doesn’t?

This is because just as YOU can’t MAKE someone feel a certain emotion when you want to, no one else can truly MAKE you feel a certain emotion either.

The problem is, many Stressed Out Successes operate in this paradigm where they believe their emotions are coming from something or someone OUTSIDE of themselves.

What if instead you can create how you want to feel instead?

How would that change your life?

What would you do differently if you can FEEL differently?

The possibilities are endless.

Listen now.


Want to learn what it really takes to release stress 10X FASTER?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where I teach you:

  • The SPECIFIC...
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