Episode 34: Stop Journaling, Do This Instead

podcast Oct 23, 2019

For years, I journaled on the same four issues: weight, love, jobs, and friendships. Then I realized it wasn’t about the specific problem, it was all of the TYPE OF THOUGHTS I was thinking that kept me in the problem with no resolution.

Journaling doesn’t solve your problems, at least not the conventional method of how we’ve approached journaling thus far.

Sure, it helps us to feel momentary relief but does the problem ever go away?

Typically, the problem resurfaces wearing a new suit of clothes.

And that is because typical method of journaling only reinforces WHY  it’s a problem!

In this episode, I’m going to breakdown two ways in which you can begin to see the type of thoughts that are actually CREATING the problem and how you can begin to identify with a more Solution Oriented Mindset.

Let’s solve our problems at a root causal level so that we can start living a more optimal life.

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Episode 33: Perfectionism, Mediocrity, & Human Potential

podcast Oct 16, 2019

Perhaps you’ve moved past perfectionism but did you know that there are other levels of perfectionism that still might be holding you back?

I see this time and time again in high level performers who, intellectually, understands that perfection doesn’t exist, and yet they still hold themselves to their own individual standard or expectation of how their life should look like. In other words, perfectionism.

In this episode I’m going to teach how any level of perfectionism is truly just a mental construct that we hold ourselves prisoners to, and how essentially we end up living a mediocre life.

Learn why it’s critically important why we need to identify every level of perfectionism so that we can go about our business in discovering our true human potential.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this...

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BONUS: You Are NOT Broken

podcast Oct 11, 2019

This is a quick bonus episode that has been on my mind for quite some time.

Oftentimes when I work with people there will be a moment where they believe things should be different, that intellectually they understand they shouldn't feel a certain way and yet they feel so much pain, that something must be wrong with them.

And here's the truth.

There is nothing wrong with you.

You are NOT broken.

You're simply a human being, experiencing a human being thing called LIFE.

We can either go through hard moments with grace, or we can suffer along the way.

We can feel our emotions from a clean place, or we can muddy the experience with all the reasons why this shouldn't be happening or "rushing" the process.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with you.

You're learning what it means to be human...

... and discovering tools along the way to better handle the next moment.

Listen to this episode if you need a reminder of just how GOOD everything truly is.

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Episode 32: American Ninja Warrior Competitor Hoan Do On Grit & Resilience

Uncategorized Oct 09, 2019

How do you stay focused in moments of panic? Hoan Do sprained his ankle just before a filming of the American Ninja Warrior show, and yet, he made it to city finals. What was the internal dialogue, what goes on inside the mind of a competitor, author, and motivational speaker?

In this podcast, I take a moment to interview Hoan Do and ask him to share how he pushes through moments of stress, what intention and goal setting look like for him, as well as how Hoan found his passion to become an inspirational and motivational speaker for youth.

To learn more about Hoan Do you can find him at:

Instagram: @HoanDoDotCom

Facebook: @HoanDo

Twitter: @HoanDo

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by the ultimate training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you...

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Episode 31: Success Labels

podcast Oct 02, 2019

Success Labels… we all have them but this ONE thing determines whether or not Success causes you stress or gives you momentum.

If you’ve ever been known for that special skill you have, or the one personality trait people admire over and over again… then listen to this podcast episode where we break down the difference between OWNING a Success Label vs. BEING SERVANT to a Success Label.

Your inherent worth will never be found in the Success Label itself, and the key to owning a Success Label is a process of auditing your thoughts and learning how to clean up your thinking instead.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by the ultimate training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn to think better thoughts in any situation without...

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Episode 30: Filtered Reality

podcast Sep 25, 2019

Most stressed out people are living in Filtered Reality, a reality in which we created based on, yep, you guessed it, our filters, conditioning, and limiting beliefs. And when we live from this reality we create two problems.

First, we create even more evidence to our limiting beliefs when we live in this reality, and second, we are living from thoughts that do not create a QUALITY life that we would rather be living.

Listen to this episode and learn how we can instead learn to live in a Chosen Reality where we consciously decide what we’d rather believe by choosing our thoughts on purpose.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by the ultimate training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn to think better thoughts in any situation without the...

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Episode 29: Emotions vs. Emotional Drama

podcast Sep 18, 2019

Why is it that one person can be annoyed and get back to their work, and another can’t seem to stop sharing their story to anyone that will listen?

It’s called Emotional Drama.

There are two ways we experience emotions – through the BODY and through the MIND.

One creates more drama and unnecessary stress, while the other simply allows the emotion to be a guidance system.

The good news is, once we cultivate enough self-awareness to tune into when we engage in Emotional Drama, we can take a step back to fully process emotion so that we don’t take action on anything we may regret.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by the ultimate training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn to think better thoughts in any situation without...

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Episode 28: Listener Q&A: Overwhelm, Expectations, And Unreasonable Bosses

podcast Sep 11, 2019

Dealing with overwhelm and managing expectations at a new job DOESN’T have to be hard. In fact, WE are the ones that make something so simple… complicated!

Listen in as I read questions from our listeners and give you my thoughts on what is actually happening in each situation, from managing a new job to managing a team at a startup.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by the ultimate training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn to think better thoughts in any situation without the stress. For instant access head on over to


[1:20]: Help others find Stressproof by submitting a review on iTunes!

[2:00]: Listener Q&A from Megan; How can I prevent overwhelm and manage expectations in my new...

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Episode 27: 5 Clear Signs You Need A Coach

podcast Sep 04, 2019

We’re going to take a good look at what separates those that fast track their way to success and how these people are taking a completely different approach to their personal goals and successes.

Because if you ask any successful person whom you admire whether they’ve worked with a coach, the answer will likely be a resounding YES. In fact, several yesses.

If you’re not seeing any wins, have remained stagnant in a certain area of your life, or repeatedly ask yourself, “Why can’t I figure this out?”, then make sure you listen to this week’s episode of Stressproof. This just may be the sign you were looking for!

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by the ultimate training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn...

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Episode 26: Constraining For The Gold Standard

podcast Aug 28, 2019

In this episode we’re learning how to SIMPLIFY your life using this one concept of Constraining for the Gold Standard.

When you identify the Gold Standard in five crucial areas of your life (Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, and Financial), suddenly your time has somewhere to go; suddenly the time it takes to make a decision is nominal because the decisions is already made for you!

Discover how applying this one concept in each area of your life will help you achieve your goals faster without the unnecessary stress!

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by the ultimate training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn to think better thoughts in any situation without the stress. For instant access head on over to

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