Episode 24: How We Self Sabotage Our Happiness

podcast Aug 14, 2019

Why is it that we feel a pit in our stomach when something GOOD happens in our life? Or where do the barrage of negative thoughts suddenly come from when we win an award at work, or when our Director acknowledges our efforts, or when we finally reach a sense of stability in our life?

Two words: Upper Limit.

When we do not recognize our Upper Limit, most people engage in self sabotaging behavior which often looks like binging, overdrinking, overworking, or retreating back to thinking negative thoughts about our life.

Learn why processing an emotion such as happiness is crucial to moving past your Upper Limit and why leaning into these types of situations will create room for more rewarding experiences, joy, and the motivation to go after those desirable challenges that get you incredible results in your life.

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Episode 23: How To Deal With Boredom

podcast Aug 07, 2019

If you find yourself bored and wonder to yourself whether or not you’re really leading a meaningful life, then this episode is for YOU. Most people literally try to fill the void once boredom hits; this may look like finding something to eat, ordering the extra drink, or incessantly scrolling Instagram.

But what is boredom really saying? What are you making boredom mean? Is boredom a bad thing?

Find out the answers to all of this and discover how we can use boredom to discover the TRUTH of our lives so that we can lead a meaningful life full of connection, joy, and peace.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by a new training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn to think better thoughts in any situation without the stress. For instant access...

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Episode 22: Why You're ALWAYS Right, Even When You're Wrong

podcast Jul 31, 2019

If you’ve ever said, “SEE!” whenever you find evidence of why you’re right or to prove a point you just made… then you have to listen to this week’s podcast.

Find out whether or not the evidence you are seeing is actually a form of self sabotage.

Your brain, particularly the Reticular Activating System, will always seek to find and serve evidence based on your deeply seeded beliefs and how you present the problem at hand.

In this case, the QUALITY of how you present the question or problem statement does not matter, but it should if you want QUALITY answers and evidence to help direct your life toward the results you ultimately desire.

Once you listen to this podcast, you will understand the importance of framing questions and problems so that you can start seeing what you actually want to see.

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Episode 21: How I REALLY Recovered From Adrenal Fatigue And Severe Burnout

podcast Jul 24, 2019

By popular request, I am sharing how I REALLY recovered from adrenal fatigue and severe burnout. No, it wasn’t a magic pill or an auspicious guru…. It was simply a question I asked myself that changed my entire life and how I started to truly live.

If you’re suffering from burnout or adrenal fatigue, you don’t want to miss this podcast! Get clarity on how your focus of resolving this problem is actually draining you of your finite energy, time, and resources. Learn instead how to find peace and joy in every moment which will help kick start your mental health journey.

*Disclaimer: All information, content, and material of this podcast is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

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Episode 20: Introducing My Greatest Teacher

podcast Jul 17, 2019

Today I have the greatest honor of introducing one of my greatest teachers and the biggest lesson I learned.

If you easily get angry, or someone at work particularly bothers you, or perhaps you’re tired of constantly solving a new problem in your life, then you don’t want to miss this episode!

Learn why embracing your problems as your new “edge” is pivotal to your own growth and transformation. It will completely change how you think about problems forever!

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by a new training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn to think better thoughts in any situation without the stress. For instant access head on over to


[1:00]: Summer schedule and limited...

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Episode 19: Feeling Emotionally Breakable

podcast Jul 10, 2019

If you’ve ever avoided relationships, career progression, or deepening certain life experiences because you are too afraid to feel certain emotions, then this episode is for you. In this podcast we break down what it means to feel Emotionally Breakable and learn specifically what it takes to overcome this fear.

Once we understand it is a process of transforming emotions as well as thinking specific thoughts, you will be able to build an emotionally resilient reservoir you can tap into at any time.

Suddenly, the overwhelming grip you felt toward certain life experiences will loosen it’s hold and you will be met, instead, with an unlimited source of personal power and freedom to run toward your ultimate desires.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by a new training on PERSONALIZATION....

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Episode 18: Redeciding

podcast Jul 03, 2019

When we feel duty or obligation to someone or something in our life, oftentimes that comes from a different energy state of “HAVING” to do something versus owning the fact that we have created this circumstance in our life.

We dismiss the fact that we can choose differently, if we so choose, and this new concept in today’s podcast is going to help you to stop living from a place of victim mentality, but rather start creating your life again from a place of personal power.

Learn how Redeciding can act as a catalyst for true personal freedom, joy, and ultimate peace in your life.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by a new training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn to think better thoughts in any situation without the stress....

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Episode 17: How To Get Unstuck From Our Problems

podcast Jun 26, 2019

The actual words we use can keep our brain STUCK in a problem! And in this podcast we’re breaking down the concept of Nominalization (how we turn a process into a definitive STATE).

When we continue use words that keep problems “broad”, we don’t allow ourselves to see the solution because the problem is now fixed in our minds.

It becomes a fact of our life.

It just IS.

And this is how we get stuck in Problem Oriented Thinking vs. training our brain to be more Solution Oriented.

Learn how we can break down language and ask better questions so that we fine tune our self-awareness and prevent unnecessary stress and suffering in our every day lives.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by a new training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you...

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Episode 16: The Real Reason We Get Annoyed At Co-Workers, Partners, and Children

podcast Jun 19, 2019

Annoying co-workers, partners, or even family members can be a significant stressor in our lives. But what if I told you that the REAL reason why specific people annoy us is because of a very specific word we are using in our thoughts that are causing unnecessary stress and suffering?

That word is: SHOULD.

Should presupposes that something or someone is not “right”. And in this episode we’re going to deconstruct what that truly means and why “should” is a dangerous word that needs to be put under a microscope in order for us to start feeling better right away.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please screenshot this podcast on your device and tag me @susanchoiwellness on Instagram stories and let me know what your key takeaways are from this episode!

Oh! And this podcast is brought to you by a new training on PERSONALIZATION. A FREE guide for the listeners of this podcast so you can learn to think better thoughts in any situation without the stress. For...

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Episode 15: Decision Making & Emotional Responsibility

podcast Jun 12, 2019

If you’re currently struggling with making a decision this episode is for YOU! Oftentimes the underlying reason why we can’t make a decision is because we fear WHO we will have to become and WHAT we will need to do in order to make this dream a reality; and what most of us end up doing is we delay our lives because of this fear.

Listen as I explain and dig deeper into why decision making is so hard and what we can do about it so that we can start living the life we KNOW DEEP DOWN we truly want to live.

Some key questions you can start asking yourself to help you come closer to decision making include:

  • What are you so scared of on the other side of this decision?
  • What will force you to do?
  • Who will it force you to become?
  • How will it force you to feel?

We’ll also talk about what it means to take Emotional Responsibility for our lives and why taking Emotional Responsibility can unlock true confidence in every area of our lives.

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