Episode 172: Am I The Only One That Feels This Way?

podcast Apr 05, 2023

Ever wondered why a wicked smart and highly functioning adult like yourself…. Feels too much?

If you’re finding it exhausting to be “aware” of these feelings (yours and others!) and it’s impacting your performance or even having you reconsider your ambitious goals, then this episode is for you my friend.

I’ll be breaking down WHY this is happening for you and how to leverage these so called feelings so that you can get back to getting BIG results!

Hint: It may or may not have something to do with what I call the Sophisticated Empath (aka the Empathic Executive)

Listen now.

P.S. I’m teaching this concept and a whole lot more at my in-person private retreat this June! Come join us at 



Are you a sensitive Executive and your feelings are starting to get the best of you?

Are you wondering whether your feelings are going to be the thing standing in your way of success?


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Episode 171: Transferring Of Negative Emotion

podcast Mar 29, 2023

If you’re wondering why more areas of your life suddenly feel “blah” despite the fact that you’re a go-getter and a very positive person, well… you may be unknowingly transferring negative emotion.

When we aren’t specific and instead speak in general terms (i.e., My job is so stressful or I’m a sensitive person), overtime WE become a stressed out and/or sensitive person.

Whether we realize it or not, how we think starts to reaffirm our identity.

Listen to this week’s podcast as I dive even deeper into this concept so that you can stop stress where it originally started.

P.S. I’m teaching this concept and a whole lot more at my in-person private retreat this June! Come join us at 



Are you a sensitive Executive and your feelings are starting to get the best of you?

Are you wondering whether your feelings are going to be the thing standing in your way of...

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Episode 170: Intense Meetings

podcast Mar 22, 2023

Are meetings (and maybe the people in them) a major source of stress for you? If so, this episode of the Stressproof Podcast was created just for you!

Inside this episode I am going to reveal why trying to solve the problem at the level of the meeting, is only keeping you STUCK in the feeling of stress.

For example, if you have been scheduling at least two extra side meetings with separate people each week, working harder at ensuring things get done in time, or maybe you’ve been repeating positive affirmations for a good 10 minutes before every meeting so that you in a good state…but at the end of the day the meeting still feels intense?

Well, you’re trying to solve the problem at the level of the meeting (aka the surface) and not the root of what is actually causing you to feel so stressed.

Tune in and discover what that deeper meaning might be for you.

P.S. I’m teaching this concept and a whole lot more at my in-person private retreat this June! Come join...

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Episode 169: Becoming A Problem Wizard

podcast Mar 15, 2023

It’s something no one wants to hear but unfortunately it’s true… finally arriving “there” somewhere in the future does not mean problems don’t exist.

I know.

It’s sad.

But when you take a moment to let that sink suddenly you may feel utter relief.

Because what that also means is that you don’t have to wait to start accepting and living your life NOW… just the way that it is. Problems included.

Life isn’t about avoiding problems or getting rid of every problem so that you can finally enjoy it.

Instead, what if you simply became a Problem Wizard?

We’re diving into this and so much more in this week’s podcast.

Listen now!

P.S. I’m teaching this concept and a whole lot more at my in-person private retreat this June! Come join us at 



Are you a sensitive Executive and your feelings are starting to get the best of you?

Are you wondering...

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Episode 168: Stressproof Biggest Misconceptions

podcast Mar 08, 2023

Isn’t it exciting when you learn something out of this world and it opens your eyes to seeing the world in a completely NEW way?

Well, if you’ve felt this before then I’m willing to bet that you might have also felt a little frustrated when people “don’t get it” or even a little lonely now that you know this information.

In this week’s episode I’m breaking down the four misconceptions people make when they start entering the world of thought work and emotional mastery.

From loneliness to getting stuck on the wheel of positivity, I’m going to break down each misconception so that you can better understand how to use this work.

Listen now and share this with someone you love.

P.S. I’m teaching this concept and a whole lot more at my in-person private retreat this June! Come join us at 



Are you a sensitive Executive and your feelings are starting to get...

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Episode 167: What Is Personalization?

podcast Feb 22, 2023

In this episode I am reviewing a fundamental principle to becoming Stressproof.

We will be reviewing Personalization and how it is running the show in the background of our lives, whether we realize it or not.

You will learn what it is, how it works, and the #1 mistake most people make that keeps them in the Stressed Success cycle.

If you can’t seem to figure out your stress or any other negative emotion, if you’re wondering why you keep having communication problems with that one person at work, or if you’re wondering whether or not you should look for a new, exciting role… listen to this episode before you do anything!

P.S. Listened to the podcast and want to learn how to apply and use this in your own life? You’re in luck! I created a Masterclass workshop where I help you do exactly that. Check it out at

P.P.S. I’m teaching this concept and a whole lot more at my in-person private retreat this June! Come...

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Episode 166: I Want To Talk To You

podcast Feb 17, 2023

This morning, I was so fired up that I told everybody that is signed up on my email list that I wanted to talk to them. Yes, that was the title of the email.

And I am STILL so fired up, about what I have to say here in a moment, that I thought I would quickly record what I emailed my people on this week’s edition of Weekend Wellness so that YOU don’t miss out either.

So here it is.

If you're ready to diagnose what the heck is going on to make you feel the way you do, let’s talk.

During this short conversation I will tell you exactly what you need to focus on so that you can feel better, and if you're ready, I will also share with you the exact offering that can help you get to where you want to be but most importantly where you know you’re fully capable of being.

So if you’re ready, simply email me at [email protected] and make sure you put in the title, "I'm ready!" and I will send you a link to my calendar to book a time next week, Feb 20 -...

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Episode 165: All The Details You Need! {Private Retreat}

podcast Feb 09, 2023

Learn more about the One Day Private Retreat at 

We’re going to change the entire way you Personalize your life, your relationships, your work, and your purpose.

You will walk away with a whole new approach to how you experience your LIFE.

Imagine what it would be like to wake up knowing you are so much more in control of how you get to feel no matter what is happening or who you talk to?

Now imagine what ELSE you get to do with your life because you are now who you WANT to be?

How would this change how you spend your day, week, or even the rest of this year?

I hope you’re ready for magic.

Listen to learn more or head on over to


Are you a sensitive Executive and your feelings are starting to get the best of you?

Are you wondering whether your feelings are going to be the thing standing in your way of success?

Then you don’t want to miss this FREE Masterclass where...

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Episode 164: Workingā€¦ With That One Person

podcast Feb 08, 2023

We all know we have to work with people… AND we also know that we can’t run from how we’re feeling forever.

I’m willing to bet the amount of pizza, Netflix, and wine over the years have proven to you that inevitably old feelings find their way back to you (especially when they relate to that one person at work!).

So then, if we know that we have to work with people and that we can’t run from our feelings…

The question we need to ask ourselves is, how do we expect to work with all KINDS of people, let alone do it amazingly well AND with genuine pleasure?

Well, the short version of it is that you can’t.

Great and wise leaders understand that they’ve had to build an AMAZING relationship with all of their feelings in order to not only do their job well, but live LIFE UTTERLY WELL.

You don’t want to miss this!

Oh! And details around the retreat will be coming out soon! For more info feel free to email me at...

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163: Your Stressproof Year + Private Retreat Announcement

podcast Jan 27, 2023

Let’s talk about what it actually takes to have a Stressproof year. But first, we have to understand what we want individually, because let’s be real… not everyone’s vision of what they want is going to be the same.

In this week’s episode we’re going to break down the three small steps that you can make today toward making that change, and to help us do that I’m going to introduce to you one of my clients.

OH, I’m also making a very important announcement. I’m hosting a private (very private) in-person retreat in Seattle this June. For more details listen to the intro and if you are 100% committed to attending this retreat, email me at [email protected] and I’ll send you all the details first.

Let’s do this.

Listen now.



Are you a sensitive Executive and your feelings are starting to get the best of you?

Are you wondering whether your feelings are going to be the thing...

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